Thursday, September 27, 2012

M.I.A, my birthday and future contest!

I've been a little M.I.A lately, but that's what happens when a sistah gets a job and has tests to study for and blah blah blah. That's how it's been for the past couple weeks, but no worries my awesome posers (that's my new name for all you Pose Photography lovers. Cheesy, I know), I will be showcasing new shoots soon and I am super excited to post them on the blog. This Saturday I will be hanging out with some gorgeous little ladies for a senior shoot and something tells me it's gonna' be fabulous.  Also, I am in the process of organizing a contest in the next few months. A lucky girl will have the opportunity to be a model for day. You heard right. Model for a day!! The winner will receieve a FREE $50.00 gift card to Forever 21 stores for the purchase of an outfit that will be worn to a FREE photo shoot with yours truly with FREE 40 high resolution images on disc, and awesome FREE hair and makeup will also be given. I love free stuff. Then again, who doesn't? So stay posted for contest dates and more information. Holla!!!

Oh, and because posts are much more better with pictures, I celebrated my birthday this week and really, I couldn't have asked for a more amazing group of friends and awesome family to celebrate it with. On the Sunday before my birthday, I spent my afternoon at Buffalo Wild Wings with my young adult family from church sipping on mango lemonade and drowning our asian zing buffalo wings in ranch dressing, and ofcourse laughing at who knows what. And the other little details that came later this week made me realize I'm a blessed girl and I hope the years to come continue to be full of warm fuzzies, lots of hugs and amazing people around me. Here's a picture of a birthday cake a good friend of mine made me. She is clearly aware of my love affair with chocolate.

And because I love food, here's another picture of how the morning of my birthday looked. Some of my lady friends came over and cooked an awesome breakfast packed with an illegal amount of pancakes, crumb donuts, and Tapatio sauce.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Super woman...

Last Friday I receieved an e-mail from my school that said they had dropped me from the courses I had previously registered for. Apparantly my account stated I still owed money from last semester, a couple of hundreds to be exact, and being the calm and collected individual I have always been I simply took a deep breath and smiled. LIES internet!! I freaked out like no other and with the semester starting on Tuesday I wasn't sure if the issue would get resolved on time for me register again and start school. I called student accounts in frantic mode and banged my head on the desk a few times when I had to wait to be the next caller in line. So I waited patiently. LIES again!! I hung up and called again like ten more times until someone answered. And when someone did answer my instant reaction was to morph into Bonquisha and hope the person on the other line could somehow see my index finger moving in the air through the phone. But after a few seconds I calmed down as the very sweet lady on the other line promised she would get to the bottom of the issue. After about thirty minutes on the phone she apologized for the confusion and said their system had made a mistake. I could register for my courses, however, due to their honest mistake I had to fill out, again, a form that indicated I was a grad student instead of an undergrad. I could either fax it to them or bring it in person. I don't have a fax machine so I had to print it out, but it turns out the printer had ran out of ink. So I sat down, took a deep breath and kept my cool. Umm, yeah, LIES!!!!! I ran out the door with twenty dollars in my hand, hair looking like it was desperate for a comb, black nike work out shorts, flip flops and a torn up t-shirt and drove to Staples with my gas light on. I bought the ink in my ghetto attire, went back home and printed out the darn thing and drove to CBU. With my gas light on. I waited an hour at the financial aid office before I handed in my paper work and drove back home with just enough time to get ready for work. With my gas light on. Oh yeah, my little green honda hates me.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. I'm super woman, or I'm just crazy. Thinking back, I could have just called someone to print  out the form for me but remember, I'm not calm and collected. Anyways, I started school today so that means goodbye social life. Between work and school I'll be really busy this semester so pray I can keep my cool and to remember to comb my hair. And put gas in my car.  Labor day was great but now it's back to the real world. Hooray!....LIES!!!!

Happy Tuesday! :)