Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What's been up lately?

I know I know, it's been weeks since I've written anything on this little bloggity of mine. But with a recent move, a stressful semester at school and a new baby nephew I can't get enough of, I haven't had time to delight you guys with posts about the random things in my exciting life. I'm also very sarcastic. But honestly, these past couple of months have actually been a mixture of  exciting and other really cool, descriptive adjectives I'm just too lazy to list. What? I can be lazy if I want to! I've finished my first semester of the teaching credential program at CBU (thank you sweet baby Jesus!), my sister recently had a baby and being the supportive little sister, I had the chance to be in the delivery room the entire time. Enough said internet. Welcoming the little munchkin into the world was the greatest/traumatic/I'm-getting nauseous-get-me-some-oxygen/OhMyGoshHe'sSoCute feeling in the world and he is loved to pieces by every inch of our hearts. He is absolutely the center of our attention and the little light that brightens up our day. Love you Avran!

But besides school and labor and delivery, I'm excited for the shoots coming up in the next couple of weeks. It's time to get back into the photog game and I just can't way to snap away. It's like, when I'm not taking pictures I feel like a part of me has gone missing. Like part of my leg or arm is gone, or something. Ok, that was a horrible philosophical analogy but you get my point internet. I just miss taking pictures, there. So I'm super excited for the new seniors, families and awesome people that will grace this bloggity soon! :) Stay tuned ya'll!

And because posts are better with pictures here's a picture of my baby nephew Avran and all of his chubby glory. Photo Cred: ArlethG Photography, aka his mommy. :)

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute!! Congrats New Auntie!! Looking forward to see your upcoming work.
