Thursday, December 20, 2012

What I've been up to....

It's crazy how busy life gest.  One day your chillen' on the couch eating a Twix bar watching Netflix and then all of a sudden your having to write ten page papers every week, budgeting gas prices, and reminding kids at work everyday your name is Miss Fernanda, not Miss Fernandez. What can I say, I've been  super crazy these past couple of months. With school, work, church ministry (yes, church can get cra cra too, but in a good way) and my new boyfriend, I kid internet--mom, sorry if you got excited-- I haven't had time to pick up the camera or post anything on this bloggity. BUT, good news blog-ateers! I have a few shoots lined up in the next couple of weeks that I am super excited about. I have two new seniors that will be featured and a family that will soon rock it out for the camera. School is over for the time being, and I'm off from work for two weeks.(ThankYouSweetBabyJesus) so that means more Twix bars and reality television. Aaaaaand, Christmas is right around the corner and I've seriously been a scrooge by slacking on the Christmas shopping. But since we're in a recession, I've decided everyone is getting socks this year. But not just any socks, no no, that's just too boring. Seriously, what says Merry Christmas better than TOE socks right!!?? Hey, it's winter ya'll! But besides my Christmas shopping here are a few others things I've been up to these past few months of completely abandoning this blog and depriving you guys of my oh so exciting life.

I've finally cut sweets off my diet and decided to work out, ok, ya'll know that's a lie
I just bought a new laptop, that's true
I'm letting my hair grow out. My goal is to get Kim Kardashian hair
Jenni Rivera (a Mexican regional singer) died last week. My Mexican family has been in an uproar
I've been trying lipstick lately. SWAG! 
A few weeks ago I became a Jr. high leader at my church. Love it! When one of the girls made brownies for Sunday school I knew that was where I belonged.
I took an online class and I absolutely hated it. I got a C on it, but really, C stands for Cool.
I watched the last Twilight. (spoiler alert, sorry!) I almost thought life wasn't worth living when they made us believe Carlisle was dead. Not cool.
I went to an awesome young ladies retreat packed with awesomeness and the cupid shuffle. Long story internet.
My best friend Mariel is visiting from Texas, which means she'll probably take me to goodwill.
Been listening to a lot of indie music lately. I secretly wanna' be a hipster.
I've been having a lot of dance parties by myself. In my room. To Daddy Yankee 

This is still my weakness.
Mariel is in Cali!!!!! :)

My co-workers. Taking pictures is part of the job.
See, I told you my life was exciting! I mean, who doesn't want to have Kim Kardashian hair!!?? Anyways, stay posted for more shoots and more posts about my love for carbs coming soon! :)

Happy Thursday!


  1. Its nice to hear from you again Fernanda. I look forward to see waht you have in store for us, you better give a lot to read this vacation period before you go back to work, so that we don't have to wait MONTHS in order to hear your funny.... No let me change that... in order to read your COOL, EXCITING life stories. I hope to meet you soon in person, I love the art of photography, but don't give it much time because I am a busy mother of three young children.

  2. hahaha love that you actually love my stories Lilia! lol Promise to keep everyone updated. Thanks for your sweet words. Have a great new year!

