Thursday, October 18, 2012

Staying sane...

It's crazy how life can get a little, well, crazy. I've been super busy lately. School has captured me in its web of endless homework and studying, I have a theory my students at work are out to get me, and my car has been running on E for the past two days because I'm too cheap to put gas. Yeah, like I said, crazy. Recently my stress load has gotten' a little more stressful because in just a few weeks I have to take a little exam called the English CSET. I call it the devil. It's a qualification for becoming an English teacher and I'm just taking the first out of three sections. For the next couple of weeks my life revolves around allegorical dictations, anthropomorphism (say what?), the rythmic rise and fall of oral language and other words I didn't even know were part of the English language. So pray I keep sanity in tact.

But in other good news, this past Sunday my sister and borther in law announced they're having their first baby!!! Which in turn will make me the coolest aunt, like ever. Can't wait to see that little face in April. <3
Happy Thursday!


  1. Hi Fernanda! I know how you feel. I can't wait neither to meet that little one. I am so very happy for your sister, (and we are not even related!!!). Anyways, I know you are capable of doing excellent, (for some reason, I have the feeling that you are a very dedicated person, and I think that you like school even if it gets crazy) so just get going :D Take care. Lilia

  2. Awe Lilia, you're so sweet! :) Thanks for the encouaragement girl!
