Friday, February 8, 2013

The Aguero Family

The day was perfect. The afternoon sun peeked through the oak trees at Fairmount Park and I instantly knew it would be an amazing day to shoot. However, the crisp and golden lighting wasn't the only thing I was excited about. I was more excited about having the Aguero family in front of the camera and having the pretty light as their backdrop. A few weeks ago I posted on my Facebook page that I was giving away a free photo shoot to the person that guessed the next styled shoot, and after several comments, Yanira Aguero popped up on my comment box with the right answer. We scheduled a day to shoot and I was even more excited when she asked if I could also have a shoot with her family. I've known them for a few years now and they're a blast to be around! Seriously, any family that is willing to walk on a dock full of duck poop for a good shot is a thug and my kind of peoples. So to the Aguero family, thank you so much for making my job so much fun! Snapping pictures of you guys felt less like work and more like hanging out with friends but with a camera. You guys are awesome, really. :)

p.s. Yanira, I'm stealing your outfit girl. haha

Introducing, the adorable Josiah and Aleyna.
Really guys, really?? :)
Josiah the Hulk!


  1. Nice job Fernanda! Beautiful family! Yanira looks so pretty!!! her choice of colors for her outfit suits her well.

  2. Yeah, Yanira has great fashion sense! :)
