Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cynthia and the boys

If the word crazy was looked up in the dictionary, my cousin's Cynthia's face would be smack down beside it. Because that's who she is. Crazy. With a capital C in a hilarious I-can't-believe-she-did-that kind of way. A few weeks ago she asked if I could photograph her and her boys and of course I jumped to the opportunity to do so. In 104 weather, we cracked up, yelled at the kids and complained every second of the heat. We family. We cool. And I had a blast capturing some awesome memories. Big ups to Ally from glitz and glam for dolling up Cynthia and making her like a hot momma. Ally is also our cousin so basically we all use each other for our services. haha Love you two!

    The boys!
      Victor, you little heartbreaker you.
Hot momma!

Happy Tuesday! :)

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