Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Senior: Adrian

He walked up and said hi holding on to his blue collard shirt he brought for his second outfit change. Adrian had a shy way about him and he made it clear he was nervous about being in front of the camera. When his mom emailed me about taking Adrian's senior pictures I had no idea I already knew who he was. I'm a Jr. high leader at my church and every Sunday morning Adrian sits on his wooden cajon and helps out during worship. I just never knew his name. I'm horrible with names ok. So this past Saturday when I was expecting someone I had never met before and then saw him I think I scared him a little bit cuz I got a little excited and yelled out "heyyyy, I know you!!!!" waving my hands in the air and everything. I had a blast taking his senior pictures and did I mention he's an awesome drummer? After high school he's going to the Art Institute to pursue a career in music and I'm sure he will rock it out. Congrats Adrian! :)