Monday, January 14, 2013

The four month challenge...

We sat in the pizza restaurant chowing down our caesar salad and garlic bread. And after my third slice of pepperoni pizza, they hit me with the bomb and my life as we know it would never be the same. My friends asked if I wanted to do a four month challenge with them of "healthy eating." I don't know what I was thinking internet, it must have been the dressing I had, because the words that came out of my mouth clearly proved that I was being possessed my some health freak because I agreed. I know, pigs really do fly! We all decided on different foods we would give up and I came up with the decision that I would give up carbs and sweets. CARBS AND SWEETS INTERNET!!!! The basic essentials of my diet! Why! Exclamation points! And today marks my second day of insanity, so I'm hoping I have enough will power to go through with it, because everybody knows I'm a quitter when it comes to healthy dieting. One time my sister and I decided to workout to an 80's workout video [long story internet] with a lady that used phrases like "reach for the stars" while stretching, and by my tenth squat I gave up on those stars and instead went to the kitchen to eat a taco. Yes, a taco!! So say a little prayer for my sanity and let's hope that by the end of four months I look like I belong in a Victoria Secret commercial.

In other news, here is a sneak peek of a family shoot I did a few days ago. Meet the Santiago family! I had a blast shooting them and I have more to come soon! Now, If you'll excuse me, I'll be in a corner with a piece of carrot.

Happy Tuesday! xoxo


  1. I feel for you Fernanda, I love sweets too! But don't worry you go on with your healthy challenge and I meanwhile will eat all the sweets for you. How is that? ;D
