Monday, December 26, 2011

Portrait Shoot: Yulissa

She's one of those girls who finds humor in the random things and one that can't seem to hold a serious face for more than five seconds. It's true. I've known Yulissa pretty much since she was a little girl and even then she was always all smiles. But that's just Yuli. Her bubbly personality and random jokes make it hard not to love this girl. She's part of the youth from my church and needless to say she's awesome. Really, she is. I think she may be a mini version of myself, because, you know, eveyone knows I'm like totally awesome and stuff.

Anyways, when I got the chance to have a photo shoot of Yuli in all her awesomeness and swagness to the tenth power square, I was so excited. Yes, I said swagness. We laughed through the entire shoot which at times made it very hard to get this girl to give the camera a "serious" look but she still managed to rock it out like nobody's business.

Yuli, you da bomb girl! Thanks for making this shoot as fun as it was and thank you for laughing at my cheesy jokes. Love ya!

p.s If you've been following this bloggity of mine you know that on this particular shoot I had to show case my not so pro makeup and hair skills on Yuli, and I think I did an aight' job if I do say so myself. haha

The picture on the right, yeah, that was her the entire shoot!

After a quick outfit change we headed out to a grassy field and Yuli pretty much went sassy on me. And I loved it. To the Yuli on the left, wooork it!

I'll end with this one, because honestly, Yuili you look gorgeous girl!


  1. I love the balloons!!!!! They add so much to the picture!! Amy A. :)
