Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tip Tuesday: Getting rid of unwanted glares in your pictures

It's another installment of Tip Tuesday! I hope you're enjoying your day with all the wonders Tuesday can bring like Taco Tuesday, aaaand that's pretty much all I could think of.

 Anyways, today's tip has to do with getting rid of unwanted glares in your camera that can potentially end up in your images. The tip is to use your surrounding areas to block harsh sun light  from entering your camera. Take the following picture for example. This shoot was scheduled at five o'clock, which meant that the sun was still pretty high up and the light was still harsh. I really liked the black  background wall in this particular spot and I really wanted to put these fabulous ladies in front of it but the harsh sun light was hitting my camera, giving it a really bad glare. The sun was hitting from the left side so I decided to kneel down just a tad bit, and voila!!! No more glare. I simply used the background wall to shield the harsh light, while still allowing a tad bit of light to hit my subjects.  I understand that there will be times where a black background wall will not always be provided so when this happens, you can always stretch out your arm and block the sun with your hand. That always works too! :)

Happy Tuesday!

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